Research Reports on Reading Instruction
National Reading Panel Executive Summary
The National Reading Panel was commissioned by Congress in 1997 to determine, based on the best available research and evidence, the most effective reading instruction methods. Its analysis made it clear that the best approach to reading instruction is one that incorporates: Explicit instruction in phonemic awareness and Systematic phonics instruction
NRP: Essential Components of Reading
Summary of NRP Findings by Reading Naturally
Put Reading First: The Research Building Blocks For Teaching Children to Read
Summary of the National Reading Panel findings for teachers and parents
Connecting the Science of Reading and Educational Practices
Prof. Marc Siedenberg: Some Reliable Resources about the Science and Its Connection to Reading. Sidenberg is a leading cognitive science researcher on how reading is done at a brain pathway level. His book "Reading at the Speed of Sight"
Ending the Reading Wars: Reading Acquisition From Novice to Expert
We present a comprehensive tutorial review of the science of learning to read, spanning from children’s earliest alphabetic skills through to the fluent word recognition and skilled text comprehension characteristic of expert readers. We explain why phonics instruction is so central to learning in a writing system such as English
Foundational Skills to Support Reading for Understanding in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade
From the national What Works Clearinghouse
NAEP: National Average Scores - Grade 4
The Nation's Report Card, NAEP has tracked student performance for decades. Reading performance for 4th has increased only2% since 1992. "The average reading score for fourth-grade students in 2019 was approximately 1 point lower compared to 2017, the previous assessment year; the 2019 average score was 4 points higher in comparison to the first reading assessment in 1992."